Club Announcement

Club Membership

The Spearfish Pickleball Club (SPC) has been established to help promote the sport, advocate for new and improved facilities, and organize and communicate pickleball playing opportunities. Organizing brings additional legitimacy to pickleball and provides a consistent voice to our municipal partners (the city has already thanked us on this point). It also allows us to better gauge the number of players in the community and their collective needs.   

Membership Benefits:

  • Invitations to structured and other special playing events
  • Invitations to club social events
  • Invitations to training sessions
  • Updates on new/improved facility status
  • Discounts on local tournaments
  • Discounts on gear

Don’t be left out of the club!  Fill out the form below to get signed up and JOIN THE FUN!! Membership dues are $20 per person per year.

Membership Form

Membership is governed by the USAP Code of Conduct.