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Club Guidelines/Definitions of Skill Level Play
Competitive play: Competitive groups have a more intense focus on competition, pushing their skill level and outplaying their opponent, with a sense of camaraderie and respect for fair play. Their focus is on the competition and winning the game. They are inclusive but not across skill levels. This group focuses on improving skills, strategic play, and winning matches with a more defined skill level and emphasis on competition.
Social play: Social groups focus on fun and camaraderie. They focus on participation and social aspects of the game over winning, providing a light and supportive environment. Players build on their relationships and develop lasting friendships. Games with players of equal ability can turn competitive but the social aspect remains. It is a balance of playing with equal opponents; players that are better to provide some challenge; and helping players who may have a lower skill level than you. Playing a social game is about your mindset, not necessarily your skill level.
Spearfish Rec Center Indoor Court Closures
Dates of closure Times of closure Courts Closed
Every Wednesday 3pm – 4:30pm 1 & 2
November 1 3 pm to 8 pm (rollerskating) All courts
December 13 6 am to 8 close (rollerskating) All courts
December 24-25 Rec Center Closed for Christmas All courts
Every Wednesday 3pm – 4:30pm 1 & 2
January 1 Rec Center Closed All courts
January 10 3 pm to close (rollerskating) All Courts
February 7 3 pm to close (rollerskating) All Courts
February 21 3 pm to close (soccer tourney) All Courts
February 22-23 7 am – 8 pm (soccer tourney) All Courts
March 7 3 pm to close (rollerskating) All Courts
March 28 4 pm to close (basketball tourney) All Courts
March 29-30 7 am – 8 pm (basketball tourney) All Courts
April 4 3 pm to close (rollerskating) All Courts
October 6 12 pm – 5 pm (SDPRA) All Courts